Thursday, August 30, 2007

Boy am I red in the face

Um, so I went to the dermatologist today. The verdict on the newest lumpy rash spreading its way across my face and arms?

Not psorosis. Poison ivy.

There goes my pride in not being allergic to it -- apparently, either I've gotten lucky these last few decades by not encountering the plant, or I've developed an allergy in recent years. The "good news" was that with regular applications of cortisone cream, my face will clear up. In two weeks. My arms, the dermatologist said, would take longer. Damn. I'm gonna give the prescription meds a try, though, before I try the advice from the coworkers, which was to scratch the sores open and then apply hairspray to the wound (David) or straight bleach (Lyndsey). Uh, thanks, guys?


Class of 2000 officers said...

bleach! bleach! bleach! bleach!

the best 10 seconds of your life followed by the worst.

dooooo et.

HS Nothingswronghere said...

Both of those sound like bad, painful ideas. And it sounds like David may be playing a little prank on you....