Monday, August 27, 2007

U.S. Americans

Holy crap. I don't mean to just post video content on here -- words will be forthcoming, I swear! -- but this was just amazing. Never have I been so proud to be a U.S. American.


Anonymous said...

Wow. And I thought the funniest part was going to be her saying "U.S. Americans." Poor girl..I'm just hoping she was nervous, and not that she actually believes she made sense.

Brittiny said...

That could have been one of the most painful things I have ever seen.

Jaydubs said...

Ha, I thought the same thing about the "U.S. Americans" comment -- I had no idea what I was in for.

And yeah, it was totally painful to watch. But sort of awesome, too. She was on the Today show yesterday, where they gave her a chance to re-respond to the question, but she still came off as pretty airheaded.