After years (eep!) of procrastination, I finally went to the dentist yesterday. It was a trip I dreaded not so much because of the dentist himself (he's a pretty genial guy) or the inevitably painful tooth-scraping, but because of the visit's impact on my wallet. The verdict, after a protracted scaling that left my gums bleeding and raw? One cavity, which will be filled next week. Oh, and I still have to get my root canal finished and my wisdom teeth removed. Man, my wallet's already hurting in anticipation.
Anyway, the dentist. I have this ongoing joke about how nothing in his office has changed since 1972. Several of the walls are wood-paneled, and one exam room has a sepia-toned photographic mural of a nature scene. And then yesterday, I saw what's pictured above: Tons of back issues of Soap Opera Digest.
Oh, and a children's book on West Germany. Wow. I always thought I was a bit of an exaggerator about the place, but, yeah. There it is.
Anyhoo, my gums were tender last night and this morning, and when I woke up at 7 a.m., I decided to take a Tylenol PM and go back to sleep. That may have been a mistake. When I woke up four hours later, I decided I should probably go to work. Only I couldn't find my glasses. So, I watched some Martha Stewart, caught up on my e-mail and then started what would be a two-hour search. Dammit. Do you know how hard it is to find glasses when you need them to find anything? It is quite difficult.
After moving the bed, stripping it, wrestling with dust bunnies and finding our lost DVD remote, I finally found my specs, which were on the floor on Kyle's side of the bed, caught in a tangle of wires. Argh. I put them on, and headed to the office. Everything was pretty uneventful there, except I finally gave in and started playing this, which is both terribly addictive and allows me to think my laziness is doing some good in the world. So, yeah, that's pretty rad, although I have a feeling my productivity is going to plummet. But hey, starving people will get rice!
"But hey, starving people will get rice!"
I think that's one of my Top 10 Quotes of February.
Hey, if I can wrap my procrastination in do-gooderism we all win, no?
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