This is one of the three freakin' adorable mascots for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Is it wrong to want to go to the Olympics just so I can see them in person? Love. There are some cute games on the event Web site, too. I think, at the very least, I'm gonna have to get a comemorative pin or somethin'.
And last night, I bought a new print. How lovely is this? And I get buttons with it, too.
More good news: I have had issues with my car for months now, and last night I brought it in for the dealer repair guy to have another look. Every other time I've done this, he's basically told me that I'm crazy, that everything's been fixed. This time, the voice mail he left on my phone was something like this: "Hey, just looked at your car, and, well, we're replacing the transmission ... [me, inwardly: SHIT!!] ... and it's covered by your warranty [sigh of relief]. I'll call you when it's done." Then, a few hours later, another message: "Hey, the car's all fixed, and as we were fixing it, the check engine light went on. It was your thermostat ... [ARGH!!] ... but it's covered under warranty, so we've replaced that, too."
Aaaah. I feel better now.
Hooray for warranties! (Not that I've ever owned a car young enough to still be covered by such things.) That's really great.
Also, I can't help but notice that the mascot shown here bears a close resemblance to the wedding outfit in that dream I had. Change the brown fur to blue, add a hot dog tail and some Austin Powers chest hair, and that's it.
Dude, I think you're some sort of prognosticator! I took a quiz on the mascots' web page, and I am most like ol' Quatchi. Maybe I'm meant to dress like that on MY SPECIAL DAY.
And yeah, hooray for warranties. This car is the first one I've ever owned in the same decade it was made, so it's been quite exciting. Of course, it's a piece of shit Kia, so I don't think I would've bought it sans warranty. As it is, I'm pretty sure I'm replacing the whole car piece by piece, since everything seems to be going wrong with it.
Good news for sure.
Vancouver is just down the road from Seattle. I say we force our old roommates to host us for a long weekend while the Games are on and drive (er, make that take the train) up there to see the spectacle and take a million pictures.
That is actually a really, really good plan, Kara. Hmmmm...
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